Comcast Modem Chat Session

Router Cable Modem Computer
Comcast eSupport Chat Transcript

James > Can I hook up another extra modem on my current system, by just getting an extra IP address and calling my extra modem number into Comcast central?

Allan > Hello James, Thank you for contacting Comcast Live Chat Support. My name is Allan. Please give me one moment to review your information.

Allan > No, you would need to have a second subscription to the Internet service.

Allan > Which would double your monthly rate.

James > Are you sure of this? Because when I talked to the the install guy last year, I thought he said I could do that.

Allan > Yes, I am sure. If you would like to have a second cable modem, you would need to contact our Sales department, and have them create a "second house key", which will allow a second cable modem to connect. This will result in a second charge for the internet service.

Allan > If you simply want to get a second computer connected to the internet, you could set up a home network.

James > OK thanks for that info. What then does other dynamic IP addresses do for you?

Allan > You can use a hub, switch, or router. Use of a hub or switch will require to you purchase a second IP address from us, which is $4.95 per month.

Allan > A properly configured router will not require an additional IP address.

Allan > The additional IP address allows additional computers to get online, when using a hub or switch.

James > I understand that from a router standpoint that I don’t need additional IP addresses. So, what is the reason to have more than one IP address? Is it possibly for gaming? When two people want to be hooked up but with unique IP addresses from the same location?

Allan > The Comcast service comes with a single IP address. When your computer is connected directly to the cable modem, that IP address is assigned to the computer. When you have a router connected to the cable modem, the router will receive that IP address, and then the router will assign separate IP addresses to the computers connected to the router. A Hub and a Switch do not have the ability to assign IP addresses. So when you have a hub/switch connected to the cable modem, the single IP address that Comcast provides will allow one computer to get online. You would need to get a second IP address for the second computer.

James > Does having an extra IP address, and hooking up the extra computer through the hub or switch keep the speed to each computer faster than one IP address and using a router?

Allan > There is no significant difference between using a hub, switch or router.

James > OK, that answers my questions. Thanks for the help. Much appreciated.

Allan > You’re most welcome.

Allan > Analyst has closed chat and left the room

Thank you Comcast for an excellent and fast response to my questions. I was very impressed with the eSupport Chat Session.

Read the Comcast Home Networking 101 information page.

Read more about installing two or more Comcast Modems at the same location.

Jim Warholic

Business Internet Marketing Solutions

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